Carpenter, Zuckerman & Rowley

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8827 West Olympic Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 San DiegoRate and review
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CZR is renowned as one of California's largest and best personal Injury law firms. Carpenter, Zuckerman & Rowley was founded on the principle that justice for injured people is more important than insurance company profits. CZR has access to the best medical specialists, ensuring that our clients receive the care they need in or USA, California, Beverly Hills to return to the normal life that they had before they were injured. Our goal is to educate, share knowledge and experience with as many lawyers as possible. In addition, we offer FREE monthly seminars and training to any plaintiff lawyer who wishes to attend and learn from the proven success. Carpenter, Zuckerman & Rowley consistently achieves multi-million dollar record breaking results on behalf of our clients.

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